
CAN YOU HEAR? Documentary with Alexander Girshon
Add new project and add new video in project "CAN YOU HEAR? Documentary with Alexander Girshon"! Can You Hear is both a dance-musical and philosophical documentary in which we talk with Alexander about his journey, personal experiences, learnings from recent years, and the principles of his work with the body and movement. We will savor the dancing, listen to his poems and immerse ourselves in ...
Duration 71 min.
Add new project and add new video in project "OPEN FORUMS. INTERVIEW AND DEMONSTRATION."! Back in 2016, we filmed an open town hall in Switzerland, where, with the help of psychologists, town citizens discussed their concerns about opening the city to migrants. We were impressed by the work of the facilitators and became witnesses to a beautiful process when the group came to unity through...
Open Forum. Refugees. Possibilities and Limitations of Swiss Society
Duration 21 min.
St. Gallen, Switzerland, 2016

An Open Forum where psychologists and facilitators Reini Hauser and Elke Schlehuber help town citizens and representatives of two political parties discuss their concerns regarding opening up the town to migrants.
HEAR. SEE. SENSE. FEEL ALIVE. Documentary with Reini Hauser and Ekaterina Skvortsova
Add new video in project "HEAR. SEE. SENSE. FEEL ALIVE. Documentary with Reini Hauser and Ekaterina Skvortsova"!

This film explores the courage to speak up when everything seems against it. In 2022, many personal relationships, even among the closest family members, were jeopardized. They were put on hold and paused... We banned people on social media and within our own families because it was too painful ...

Add new video in project "CITY VOICES"! The documentary project City Voices is a theatrical improvisation on social topics with facilitator Elena Margo. In our project, the theater stage is not taken by actors, it is open to the audience, with their personal experience, questions, search and struggle. Where the culmination will ...
Episode 4. How to be the change that is missing in the world?
Duration - 40 minutes. Moscow, January 2022.
Add new project and add new video in project "I AM... AN ILLUSION?"!

Documentary series.

A story about losing and finding oneself. "...I am 43 years old; my children have grown up... Who am I, besides a mother and a wife?"

Xenia - is a Russian woman who has devoted herself to her family, but as her children are getting older, most of her duties as...

Chapter 7. My first steps

In recent decades, western public views on women’s role in society have changed rapidly; women are less held back by patriarchic obligations, are allowed to be who they are. It is for sure a relief; at the same time a challenge, it makes women face new questions. “What are my talents and strengths? How do I transform my limitations into something helpful, inspiring?". Myanmar helps our heroes to understand that the very opportunity to question one's life path is already a privilege. Xenia continues to use this chance to have deep conversations with monks, practice meditation and work with Reini. Reini helps her interpret an important clue from her dream.

“In an interview, I feel really connected, very intense. All my attention goes to the person, I am interviewing. I almost lose where it’s you or me... We become One. You know? It feels almost like …” Xenia

Chapter 6. My Taste of Life.

A new day of travel begins, new questions arise... "What is my true abundance, apart from material values?  What can I share with other people?" Reini helps Xenia understand that her ability to see beauty in others and admire other people's life paths is not her weakness but a gift. If she wants, she can share it, even in a professional field.

Xenia sees that the "cage of the rational mind" isn’t an issue.  If the "mind" is caught up and she doesn’t know what to do next, her body knows.

You may be a businessperson, you may be rich, but at the same time, you must practice, to do loving-kindness meditation, do good things and speak nicely. Then you won't be arrogant, you will understand what the meaning of your life is. U Lokanata

Chapter 5. “My inner Observer”

After the meditation center, Xenia, along with monks and friends, continues to travel around Myanmar, studying Buddhism and the role of women in Burmese culture. But most of all, she is interested in the psychological sessions with Reini, during which she explores the very essence of her path. Reini helps Xenia to see how she blocks her spontaneity. He works, provokes, and plays with Xenia. Xenia is disappointed that, after all this time, she still cannot find herself. Reini is doing his best to help her see : Xenia is already, at this moment – herself. The insight comes during a dinner with friends.

I want to help you to discover your way and that you’re already going your way. It’s not somewhere in the future or the past or somewhere else. It’s always right now. You just need to notice: “Aha! I chose this, I do this!” Reini
Chapter 4: "I Am Overflowing"

Monks explain the basic concepts of Theravada Buddhism, Reini demonstrates his understanding of psychology, other people share their wisdom. But because Xenia can't hear herself, all this information is too overwhelming. Xenia's mind is overloaded, and she is blaming everyone around.

“And now I am here, and I want to go beyond the limits of my mind, beyond the consciousness. It is a big thing because I’m not an empty bottle. They filled me up with many things over the years. But to accept the teaching and true wisdom, I need to empty myself first.” One of the Yogini
Chapter 3. My concentration

Xenia and Dmitry’s wife Edita arrive at the women’s meditation center. Xenia is very anxious: will she be able to concentrate properly? She has heard that Burmese meditation techniques are strict and tough. Local monks keep postponing their meditation. Instead, they explain meditation techniques and give different worldly tasks to the heroines. The calm atmosphere of the meditation center helps women slow down, relax, and prepare for the practice...

“Meditation or enlightenment is only a skill. You practice something day after day. And eventually, you will be good at it.” Yogi
Chapter 2. My Inner Critic

In this chapter, we get to know Myanmar through the eyes of our heroes. But serene landscapes, the simple lives of local people and the everyday duties of young nuns do not bring peace to Xenia. Everything only exacerbates, reinforces her internal conflicts: "Maybe all these thoughts about paths and fate are an illusion?  Maybe they are just trendy western ideas, inspired by Hollywood movies?"

Chapter 1. Who Am I?

Who is Xenia, besides being a mother and a wife? Is that really all that she is capable of? Dmitry is a friend of Xenia’s, hopes that meditation and Buddhism will help her get through her crisis. He invites her to visit a Burmese monastery in London, to meet his old friend, a monk called U Lokonatha.
Add new project and add new video in project "INTERVIEW WITH MARILYN ATKINSON"! Marilyn Atkinson is the Founder of Erickson Coaching International and the originator of a well-known, comprehensive, Solution-Focused and Outcome-Oriented Coaching model. Her model has actively contributed to the emergence and expansion of Solution-Focused Psychology, and the development of Meta Program...
Interview with Marilyn Atkinson
2020-2021. Duration - 41 min.
Add new project and add new video in project "INTERVIEW WITH TAV SPARKS"! “He was a seeker of truth and the deeper mysteries of life and beyond.  And his devotion to this quest spoke to others. Tav always emerged as a guide to others on their own inner journeys. He was a brilliant teacher with an incredible mind. He wove magic into his work with self-deprecating humor,...
Interview with Tav Sparks
2018-2020. Duration - 23 min.
Add new video in project " INTERVIEW WITH STAN GROF"! Stanislav Grof, M.D., is a psychiatrist with over sixty years of experience in research of non-ordinary states of consciousness and one of the founders of transpersonal psychology.

Grof is known, for his "cartography" of the deep human psyche and breathing techniques for exploring non-ordinary ...
OPEN FORUM. Refugees. Possibilities and Limitations of the Swiss Society
Add new project "OPEN FORUM. Refugees. Possibilities and Limitations of the Swiss Society"!

Please watch the documentary about the so-called “open forum”, or a town hall, which was moderated by psychologist-facilitators Reini Hauser, Elke Schlehuber. In this Open Forum citizens of the swiss town Locremis, are discussing their differences with regard to the question of opening up the...

Add new project "KYIV-MOSCOW LIVE. March 2014"! This is a Skype live linkup, filmed at the start of the Russian-Ukrainian crisis by our colleagues from both countries. This was the time, when political events caught many old friends by surprise, dividing them and paving the way for growing misunderstanding. Despite this schism, our colleagues found...
Add new video in project "TRANSPERSONAL"!

These 27 interviews with American pioneers and researchers of human consciousness were filmed for a Russian educational TV channel under the name (on the learning path). Through these interviews, we hoped to create a dialogue about deeper questions and life challenges that the Russian...


An interview with the American psychologists, the founders of the process-oriented school of psychology and well-known authors – Amy and Arnold Mindell. They invited us to their home in Yachats, Oregon. Our meeting with Arnie and Amy was dedicated to the psychology of creativity.

Amy and Arny...

Documentary series.

According to the teleological approach, any problem contains information that can lead us to something new”. Max Sсhupbach.

This documentary series displays the work of psychologists Drs Max and Ellen Sсhupbach (USA) with their Russian clients. In this...

Episode 11. Alena Glotova

A young woman suffers from anorexia.
Episode 10. Tatiana Tuh

A young woman-lawyer has problems in her relationship with her female-boss.
Episode 9. Julia Sergeeva and daughter Maria Sergeeva

The heroes of this episode are a mom and her 11-year-old son. A conflict of generations! How to listen to one another, to understand one another and to learn to trust?
Episode 8. Pavel Netronin

The hero of this episode is a talented and creative young businessman, who is at the crossroads. 
Episode 7. Irina Samarina

In this episode, the heroine tries to get rid of an inner stupor that doesn’t allow her to achieve success.
Episode 6. Victoria Potrogosh

A young girl has complications in communicating with new people. 
Episode 5. Svetlana Stasenko

The Russian documentary film director, a highly creative person, dreams of opening her own film studio.
Episode 4. Alexey Suvorov

A young man dreams of becoming a singer, but he has to tackle his lack of confidence in his abilities and talents.
Episode 3. Alexey Shirokorad and Veronika Shirokorad

A young couple and inner-family conflict. Different types of character, behavioral model, varying social ranks, work schedules, different hobbies. But there is love and the desire to be together! How does a couple stay together with all of these differences?
Episode 2. Tatyana Svetlichnaya

“How to love yourself the way you are”? Max and Ellen work with a woman, who has problems in her relationships with men.
Episode 1. Vera Kucherova

The episode is dedicated to the move of a young woman from the other side of the country into the capital.
Episode 11. Ekaterina (Moscow)

"I’m quite a happy person, but I have these conflicts with my son. His name is Lev. And he is twelve. He stopped doing everything that he loved doing before. His grades went down. He doesn’t want to go to school, to musical school, he stopped going to the gym. I’m not very over-controlling mother, but now I completely lost control of him, because now he is into computers, into the telephone, and all this digital stuff."
Episode 10. Anna and Eldar

Anna and Eldar (Moscow):

-          We’ve been together for four years, so it’s pretty a lot of time. And when we are talking about the future, next step is children …

-          That’s a question, if we are ready or not.

-          Our parents are from different countries and from different religions and have different expectations. My parents are orthodox, Russian. And they want the baby to be baptized and to have Russian name. And Eldar’s parents are waiting for an Azerbaijanian name that would sound, probably, like, Mohammed.
Episode 5. Nhan Tran (Ho Chi Minh)

"My name is Nyang, I am from ‎Ho Chi Minh. I study Russian language in Moscow in Pushkin Institute. My problem is dyslexia. That's the first time I felt like I confess about that. And another problem - I have a conflict inside myself. In my country, my father, he asked me to find girlfriend. And also, marriage. But I think, I cannot do that because I have dyslexia".

Episode 4. Vera (Moscow)

"I had very destructive relationship and three years ago I finished this relationship. After that I had a very bad depression with Paniс attacks. It was a very difficult period of my life and after I decided - okay I should begin my life again,“from zero”.
Add new video "SEEK THE LIGHT"!

Together with the Burmese monks we make the journey into Myanmar and, at the same time, this journey leads us to the basic principles of Burmese Buddhism.

The film "Seek the light"

2015. Duration - 46 min .

Add new project and add new video "HAPPINESS"!

What is HAPPINESS? This simple question caused the most intense arguments of philosophers, historians, academics and, of course, psychologists who study this complex phenomenon – what exactly brings a human being happiness? This theme interested us for quite some time. That’s why – when we...

HAPPINESS. Interview with Stas Namin.

2018. Duration - 16 min
(with english subtitles)

Add new project and add new video in project "HEART OF MYANMAR"!

This picturesque short documentary was filmed in Myanmar. It is based on an interview with a well-known Buddhist teacher and political figure – the honorable Ashin Nyanissara.

Dr. Ashin Nyanissara clearly and simply tells us about the essence of Buddha’s teaching, about the purpose...

The film "The Heart of Myanmar".

2014. Duration - 16 min

"There two poverties in the world. Mental poverty and physical poverty. In our country we are physically poor, but mentally are very rich because of Buddhism. #TEXT_END# Over two thousands and two hundred years ago ancient Myanmar people established Buddhism monasteries in every village. Myanmar people grow up in the credence of Buddha. So, even if we are physically poor, I don't worry, mentally we are very rich!" Venerable Ashin Nyanissara

Add new project and add new video in project "DANCE OF CAMBODIA"!

A series of video trailers

Introducing the Sacred Dancers of Angkor - a talented and dedicated troupe of young dancers born in the shadows of the temples, trained in the first ever rural dance and music conservatoire.

The mission of the Sacred Dancers of Angkor is to protect, promote...

A Dream Come True

Duration - 2 min

Connecting with her Temple

Duration - 4 min

The River of Thousand Lingas

Duration - 3 min.

Candle Ritual

Duration - 5 min

Dawn Ritual

Duration - 2 min

Ritual for Peace

Duration - 2 min

Add new project and add new video "BROKEN DANCE"! Music Video.

What if you were born in the body of a little girl, who's family lives in a distant, tropical country on a vast lake? All of your existence is governed by the realms of water and stone, in a country with huge cultural heritage, having survived terrible events of an inhuman political...

The film "Broken Dance".

2015. Duration - 7 min.
Add new project and add new video "THE GIFT"!

Short Feature Film.

This film, shot in Cambodia, will touch any viewer, from any country, because it shows the remarkable characteristic of a human being - the ability to revive life. The film is about the healing of a deep trauma through love, prayer, and following one’s calling.

The film "Gift"

2015. Duration - 21 min.
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