Vitaly Mansky – Director
Mamaki Productions - co-producer of documentary film by Vitaly Mansky "Kin". A film about the history of family, the history of the country.
Ukraine. 2014-2015
Dr. Ashin Nyanissarais best known as Sitagu Sayadaw. He is undeniably the foremost Dhamma preacher in Myanmar and well regarded internationally for his Dhamma teachings in English. The Venerable is a meditation master and Buddhist scholar having written well over one hundred books. Practicing socially engaged Buddhism, he is widely respected not only as one of the most prominent monks in Myanmar but also as a leading visionary for his numerous charitable humanitarian works.
irector of photography, having shot 36 documentaries, 8 commercial films with over 100 ranging subjects for various film magazines and television programs.
Film Director, Screenwriter and
Producer. Upon graduating from law school, he went away to explore the
Himalayas. After returning from lengthy travels, decided to change his field of
work. Following his childhood dream and wishing to share all that he saw on his
journeys, became a film director. Since 2009, has been successfully actualizing
both independent and commercial projects related to cinematography, music and
Head of “Eclectic Sun Productions” studios, Director of "Solar Wind" Theatre Company.
Flm Editor, Executive Producer and Camera Operator. Has had more than 15 years of work in film and television.
Xenia is a Producer, Doctor, Psychotherapist. She works as a program host and an interviewer on Russian TV channel Psychology 21, teaches psychology in Moscow medical Academy, organizes international seminars and has a privet practice. Xenia is a founder of the American production company Mamaki Productions (founded in 2013).
Host of TV broadcasts on Russian TV Channel “Psychology 21”. Xenia is the founder of American Production company Mamaki Productions..
You can get in touch with Xenia by
Clare Hill - British Psychotherapist of Process-Oriented psychology. Together with her colleague and husband Conor McKenna, they have been coming to Russia for more than a decade with their educational and therapeutic seminars on topics such as relationship problems, working with body symptoms and dreams, creativity development, working with depression and other altered states of consciousness, by invitation of Russian psychotherapists. They work with and teach people both at home in Scotland, UK and around the world. Co-president of the International Association of Process-Oriented psychology.
Veet Mano - coach, business consultant, author on the methods of emotional releasing.
Has extensive experience of working with anorexia and bulimia, addictions, depression and anxiety.
For these and many other topics, Veet Mano holds deep and original transformational seminars in different cities and countries.
Also, Veet Mano gives unique training sessions on business, holding team building exercises.
Rami Bleckt - Ph.D. Philosophy, psychologist, coach, spiritual teacher, mystic and social activist.
Rami lives in Canada, teaching substantially around the world, sometimes visiting Russia, giving workshops and consultations.
Based on ancient knowledge and the latest achievements of psychology, he has developed a number of unique and original courses and workshops. He has also given hundreds of charitable lectures at universities and secondary schools, hospitals, military units, prisons.
His books, workshops and lectures are devoted to the meaning of life, on how to be a happy, healthy and successful person.
Rami Bleckt is also known as a business coach. He works as a personal mentor and advisor of political leaders, public figures and businessmen.Max Schupbach, Ph.D. is an internationally acclaimed trainer and facilitator. Together with Arny and Amy Mindell, he is part of the original group that founded Process Work. He has Co-founded, developed, and lead many of its training centers in North America, Asia, Australia, Europe and Africa. He is president of maxfxx, a consulting group working worldwide covering organizations such as Fortune 100 Corporations, International NGOs, Government Agencies, and religious communities. He has facilitated gatherings of Australian Aboriginal communities and Native North American Tribes and coached multi-ethnic executive teams in South Africa. Among his clients are also Polish, Baltic, and Russian teams pre and post Perestroika, and executive teams composed of Eastern and Western members soon after the reunion of the two Germanys.
Max has facilitated community building with Croatian and Serbian members in refugee camps during the Yugoslavian war, and relationships between prison inmates, correctional personnel, and prison administrators in high security prison settings. He has conducted many public open forums with up to several hundred participants on issues and questions of public concern: a recent open forum focused on Islam, Jewish, and Christian relationships in Germany.
Max Schupbach, Ph.D. is President and seminar leader for the Deep Democracy Institute.
Russian director and screenwriter; a member of the Union of Cinematographers of the Russian Federation. Winner of Best Film in the category of Short Films "Cinema du Riel" (France), Lumière Prix in Lyon (France), award for best documentary at the "Kinotavr", the Vera Kholodnaya Award, as well as prizes in Atlanta, Huesca, Edinburgh, Pesaro, Oberhausen and others. Laureate of various national film festivals including "St. Anna", “Zolotoy Vityaz", “Moscow Pegasus", “Arsenal”, Laureate of the “Mirror” competition.
Artist and Designer. In the world of film – Production designer, Makeup artist, Scriptwriter, director’s assistant. Ekaterina is the founder and artistic director of contemporary avant-garde theatre "Solar Wind". Lu grew up in an apartment literally soaked in creativity – a former workshop belonging to Arkhip Kuindzhi, where Illya Repin had painted his portrait.
The creative spirit of her artistic family, stemming from her grandfather, a famous Russian artist, fuels the talent and love for her art.,
Participation in projects:
Professional photographer, with a love for film.
Thogme Sherab Rinpoche - one of the main mentors and teachers at the Menri Tibetan Monastery.
The Menri Monastery is a large monastery and training centre dedicated to the study and preservation of ancient Tibetan heritage, their educational programs, and the publication of ancient texts.
The monastery is located in the foothills of the Himalayas. This is the main monastery of the Bon tradition that prevailed in the territory of Tibet even before the arrival of Buddhism.
Thogme Sherab has a Geshe (Doctorate in Philosophy), a Tibetan Buddhist academic degree of the Bon tradition. He gives lessons of the highest Dzogchen teachings.
At the request of his students, often visits Russia with lectures and teachings.Reini Hauser - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), psychologist, therapist, psychotherapist, member of the Swiss Association of Psychotherapists, a certified process oriented psychotherapist, Head of the Research Society for Process-Oriented Psychology (Switzerland).
Reini Hauser has 25 years of experience in therapeutic and teaching fields in different countries: individual, family and group psychotherapy, organizational consulting, team building training, workshops and seminars and supervision. He is a Fellow of the Society of process-oriented psychology and a certified trainer of the Portland Processwork Clinic, USA.
Michael Roach - businessman, writer, musician, scientist, speaker, founder of "The Diamond Cutter Institute”
He graduated from Princeton University (USA). Has been through 20 years of training in Tibetan language in the Sarah Mae monastery - one of the oldest educational institutions in the world and earned a Geshe (Doctor of Philosophy), a Tibetan Buddhist academic degree for monks and nuns.
He is the author of the global bestseller "The Diamond Cutter" and "Karmic Management".
In 15 years, these books have been translated into 30 languages.
He is a pioneer in the field of information technologies, which are currently used in some of the world's major projects.
Now, Michael travels the world conducting training based on his own unique system founded on ancient knowledge.
Carla Hannaford, a neurophysiology doctor, a well-known best-selling author, with her books translated into many languages: “Smart Moves: Why Learning is Not All in Your Head”, “The Dominance Factor”, “Playing in the Unified Field”. Her book “Awakening the Child Heart”, has become a handbook for parenting.
She was the first to explain from a scientific point of view, why the Brain Gym, written by Paul Dennison, is an effective exercise for the learning process. Carla is a practicing teacher with 40 years of experience, an international consultant on education, and holds seminars in 45 countries.
Carla was one of the twelve members of the Academy of Humanistic Psychology, who visited Russia in 1988 (then the USSR), and brought the first knowledge of Educational Kinesiology.Juan Carlos Monje is a specialist in psychotherapeutic kinesiology working on the relationship of muscular tension with the psycho-emotional state of a person.
Peruquois was born in Australia, to a musical family. She received a classical jazz education, but after a rapid career rise, Peruquois decides to extend her titular of "just a singer". Upon meeting with a teacher, a Native American Indian, the world of sacred practices changed her life.
Peruquois spent ten years in the desert of New Mexico, studying voice work with him.
Thereafter she created her own unique training. Women's seminars and practices are vastly becoming more and more popular today. But there are very little vocal master classes: the master has to learn a lot and be capable of a lot, in order to teach a woman to open her voice, to teach her to cleanse herself of emotional blocks and traumas. This is done with the help of bypassing the mind, thus making it more effectively to activate a woman’s centres and disclosing the sensuality of a woman's body.
Peruquois is one of those rare masters.
Conor McKenna - British psychotherapist of Process-Oriented psychology, one of the founders and a member of the community of process-oriented psychology in the UK (RSPOPUK), a specialist in the field of mysticism and transpersonal states. Conor wrote a book about his experience fighting cancer. Together with his colleague and wife, Clare Hill, they have been coming to Russia for more than a decade by invitation of Russian psychotherapists, with their educational and therapeutic seminars on topics such as relationship problems, working with body symptoms and dreams, creativity development, working with depression and other altered states of consciousness. They work with and teach people both at home in Scotland, UK and around the world.
Interview with Marilyn Atkinson
Episode 4. Vera (Moscow)
"I had very destructive relationship and three years ago I finished this relationship. After that I had a very bad depression with Paniс attacks. It was a very difficult period of my life and after I decided - okay I should begin my life again,“from zero”.
Episode 1. Vera Kucherova
The episode is dedicated to the move of a young woman from the other side of the country into the capital.
Interview with Stanislav Grof "Perinatal matrices. Death-Rebirth Experience"
Chapter 1. Who Am I?
Who is Xenia, besides being a mother and a wife? Is that really all that she is capable of? Dmitry is a friend of Xenia’s, hopes that meditation and Buddhism will help her get through her crisis. He invites her to visit a Burmese monastery in London, to meet his old friend, a monk called U Lokonatha.
Episode 1: Does anybody need me and my feelings?
Episode 5. Nhan Tran (Ho Chi Minh)
"My name is Nyang, I am from Ho Chi Minh. I study Russian language in Moscow in Pushkin Institute. My problem is dyslexia. That's the first time I felt like I confess about that. And another problem - I have a conflict inside myself. In my country, my father, he asked me to find girlfriend. And also, marriage. But I think, I cannot do that because I have dyslexia".
Episode 2. Tatyana Svetlichnaya
“How to love yourself the way you are”? Max and Ellen work with a woman, who has problems in her relationships with men.
Chapter 2. My Inner Critic
In this chapter, we get to know Myanmar through the eyes of our heroes. But serene landscapes, the simple lives of local people and the everyday duties of young nuns do not bring peace to Xenia. Everything only exacerbates, reinforces her internal conflicts: "Maybe all these thoughts about paths and fate are an illusion? Maybe they are just trendy western ideas, inspired by Hollywood movies?"
Episode 10. Anna and Eldar
Anna and Eldar (Moscow):
- We’ve been together for four years, so it’s pretty a lot of time. And when we are talking about the future, next step is children …
- That’s a question, if we are ready or not.
- Our parents are from different countries and from different religions and have different expectations. My parents are orthodox, Russian. And they want the baby to be baptized and to have Russian name. And Eldar’s parents are waiting for an Azerbaijanian name that would sound, probably, like, Mohammed.
Episode 3. Alexey Shirokorad and Veronika Shirokorad
A young couple and inner-family conflict. Different types of character, behavioral model, varying social ranks, work schedules, different hobbies. But there is love and the desire to be together! How does a couple stay together with all of these differences?
Chapter 3. My concentration
Xenia and Dmitry’s wife Edita arrive at the women’s meditation center. Xenia is very anxious: will she be able to concentrate properly? She has heard that Burmese meditation techniques are strict and tough. Local monks keep postponing their meditation. Instead, they explain meditation techniques and give different worldly tasks to the heroines. The calm atmosphere of the meditation center helps women slow down, relax, and prepare for the practice...
“Meditation or enlightenment is only a skill. You practice something day after day. And eventually, you will be good at it.” Yogi
Episode 3: Powerlessness in the face of power
Episode 11. Ekaterina (Moscow)
"I’m quite a happy person, but I have these conflicts with my son. His name is Lev. And he is twelve. He stopped doing everything that he loved doing before. His grades went down. He doesn’t want to go to school, to musical school, he stopped going to the gym. I’m not very over-controlling mother, but now I completely lost control of him, because now he is into computers, into the telephone, and all this digital stuff."
Episode 4. Alexey Suvorov
A young man dreams of becoming a singer, but he has to tackle his lack of confidence in his abilities and talents.
Chapter 4: "I Am Overflowing"
Monks explain the basic concepts of Theravada Buddhism, Reini demonstrates his understanding of psychology, other people share their wisdom. But because Xenia can't hear herself, all this information is too overwhelming. Xenia's mind is overloaded, and she is blaming everyone around.
“And now I am here, and I want to go beyond the limits of my mind, beyond the consciousness. It is a big thing because I’m not an empty bottle. They filled me up with many things over the years. But to accept the teaching and true wisdom, I need to empty myself first.” One of the Yogini
Episode 4. How to be the change that is missing in the world?
Episode 5. Svetlana Stasenko
The Russian documentary film director, a highly creative person, dreams of opening her own film studio.
Chapter 5. “My inner Observer”
After the meditation center, Xenia, along with monks and friends, continues to travel around Myanmar, studying Buddhism and the role of women in Burmese culture. But most of all, she is interested in the psychological sessions with Reini, during which she explores the very essence of her path. Reini helps Xenia to see how she blocks her spontaneity. He works, provokes, and plays with Xenia. Xenia is disappointed that, after all this time, she still cannot find herself. Reini is doing his best to help her see : Xenia is already, at this moment – herself. The insight comes during a dinner with friends.
I want to help you to discover your way and that you’re already going your way. It’s not somewhere in the future or the past or somewhere else. It’s always right now. You just need to notice: “Aha! I chose this, I do this!” Reini
Episode 5. The experiences, that make me vulnerable stand apart from other experiences
Episode 6. Victoria Potrogosh
A young girl has complications in communicating with new people.
Chapter 6. My Taste of Life.
A new day of travel begins, new questions arise... "What is my true abundance, apart from material values? What can I share with other people?" Reini helps Xenia understand that her ability to see beauty in others and admire other people's life paths is not her weakness but a gift. If she wants, she can share it, even in a professional field.
Xenia sees that the "cage of the rational mind" isn’t an issue. If the "mind" is caught up and she doesn’t know what to do next, her body knows.
You may be a businessperson, you may be rich, but at the same time, you must practice, to do loving-kindness meditation, do good things and speak nicely. Then you won't be arrogant, you will understand what the meaning of your life is. U Lokanata
Episode 7. Irina Samarina
In this episode, the heroine tries to get rid of an inner stupor that doesn’t allow her to achieve success.
Chapter 7. My first steps
In recent decades, western public views on women’s role in society have changed rapidly; women are less held back by patriarchic obligations, are allowed to be who they are. It is for sure a relief; at the same time a challenge, it makes women face new questions. “What are my talents and strengths? How do I transform my limitations into something helpful, inspiring?". Myanmar helps our heroes to understand that the very opportunity to question one's life path is already a privilege. Xenia continues to use this chance to have deep conversations with monks, practice meditation and work with Reini. Reini helps her interpret an important clue from her dream.
“In an interview, I feel really connected, very intense. All my attention goes to the person, I am interviewing. I almost lose where it’s you or me... We become One. You know? It feels almost like …” Xenia
Episode 8. Pavel Netronin
The hero of this episode is a talented and creative young businessman, who is at the crossroads.
Episode 9. Julia Sergeeva and daughter Maria Sergeeva
The heroes of this episode are a mom and her 11-year-old son. A conflict of generations! How to listen to one another, to understand one another and to learn to trust?
Dancers of Angkor training in the heart of the Khmer cultural heritage
Duration - 7 min
Episode 10. Tatiana Tuh
A young woman-lawyer has problems in her relationship with her female-boss.
Episode 11. Alena Glotova
A young woman suffers from anorexia.
Kyiv-Moscow Live. March 2014
Interview with Dr. Max Schupbach.
29 min. March 2014.
HAPPINESS. Interview with Stas Namin.
2018. Duration - 16 min
(with english subtitles)
Interview with Arnold and Amy Mindell «Tao of Creativity».
Interview with Stan Grof “Revision and re-enchantment of psychology”
2013. Duration - 47 min.
Interview with Reini Hauser and Ekaterina Skvortsova about the “Open Forum” (group work format)
Zurich (Switzerland), 2022
Open Forum. Refugees. Possibilities and Limitations of Swiss Society
St. Gallen, Switzerland, 2016
An Open Forum where psychologists and facilitators Reini Hauser and Elke Schlehuber help town citizens and representatives of two political parties discuss their concerns regarding opening up the town to migrants.
What if you were born in the body of a little girl, who's family lives in a distant, tropical country on a vast lake? All of your existence is governed by the realms of water and stone, in a country with huge cultural heritage, having survived terribl...
This picturesque short documentary was filmed in Myanmar. It is based on an interview with a well-known Buddhist teacher and political figure – the honorable Ashin Nyanissara.
Dr. Ashin Nyanissara clearly and simply tells us about the essence of Buddha...