Documentary series.
According to the teleological approach, any problem contains information that can lead us to something new”. Max Sсhupbach.
This documentary series displays the work of psychologists Drs Max and Ellen Sсhupbach (USA) with their Russian clients. In this project, we will see how Max and Ellen facilitate the dialogue between the various contradictive inner parts of their clients, which helps clients to find creative solutions to their issues. Each part is a separate story, a new client, a new one problem.
Max and Ellen are unique psychologists and coaches who work with a vast range of very diverse people from various social groups and cultures. Several times a year they also travel to Russia with training seminars, and our Russian team was lucky to have a chance to film these coaching sessions and to be able to share it with others.
The purpose of this documentary series for us was not to film a master class for professional psychologists. We wanted to show the wide audience how a coaching session might look and feel. We were dreaming to inspire our audience in search of their truth, their path, their choices. We hope that these very personal stories will feel supportive to our viewers and serve as a kind of "brainstorm" for the inner work.
"In my view, the Conflictology project shows that we are not only split and conflicted people, but underneath what seems difficult and/or ugly has its own logic and natural beauty. Our world is beautiful, and so is everyone.”
Max Schupbach
Season 3 (2019)
"I had very destructive relationship and three years ago I finished this relationship. After that I had a very bad depression with Paniс attacks. It was a very difficult period of my life and after I decided - okay I should begin my life again,“from zero”.
"My name is Nyang, I am from Ho Chi Minh. I study Russian language in Moscow in Pushkin Institute. My problem is dyslexia. That's the first time I felt like I confess about that. And another problem - I have a conflict inside myself. In my country, my father, he asked me to find girlfriend. And also, marriage. But I think, I cannot do that because I have dyslexia".
Anna and Eldar (Moscow):
- We’ve been together for four years, so it’s pretty a lot of time. And when we are talking about the future, next step is children …
- That’s a question, if we are ready or not.
- Our parents are from different countries and from different religions and have different expectations. My parents are orthodox, Russian. And they want the baby to be baptized and to have Russian name. And Eldar’s parents are waiting for an Azerbaijanian name that would sound, probably, like, Mohammed.
"I’m quite a happy person, but I have these conflicts with my son. His name is Lev. And he is twelve. He stopped doing everything that he loved doing before. His grades went down. He doesn’t want to go to school, to musical school, he stopped going to the gym. I’m not very over-controlling mother, but now I completely lost control of him, because now he is into computers, into the telephone, and all this digital stuff."
Season 2 (2018)
The episode is dedicated to the move of a young woman from the other side of the country into the capital.
“How to love yourself the way you are”? Max and Ellen work with a woman, who has problems in her relationships with men.
Max Schupbach
Ellen Schupbach
Drs. Max and Ellen Schupbach work with clients using the psychological methodology, known as process-oriented psychology or Processwork.
Processwork originally grew from Jungian psychology and developed by Dr. Arnold Mindell.
Processwork. The theory itself is elegant in its simplicity and application to any aspect of life, including working with inner and outer conflicts. Processwork understands human experience as a dreaming process that unfolds through sensory channels. The information we are aware of and identify with called the “primary process”, Information that we push away, which is often problematic, we call our “secondary process”. Process Work unfolds the secondary experiences until they make sense and become part of the client’s experiential world.
Max Schupbach, Ph.D. and Ellen Schupbach Ph.D. are founders od Deep Democracy Institute
Growing out of the Process Work learning community, the Deep Democracy Institute has developed a big international training program. Its particular focus is leadership, organizational change, professional development, personal growth. For more information go to
“Conflict is a specific variation of the Dao. Understanding can turn a useless situation into an enriching one” A. Mindell.
Shooting location:
Moscow, Russia