Ellen Schupbach

Episode 4. Vera (Moscow)

"I had very destructive relationship and three years ago I finished this relationship. After that I had a very bad depression with Paniс attacks. It was a very difficult period of my life and after I decided - okay I should begin my life again,“from zero”.

Episode 5. Nhan Tran (Ho Chi Minh)

"My name is Nyang, I am from ‎Ho Chi Minh. I study Russian language in Moscow in Pushkin Institute. My problem is dyslexia. That's the first time I felt like I confess about that. And another problem - I have a conflict inside myself. In my country, my father, he asked me to find girlfriend. And also, marriage. But I think, I cannot do that because I have dyslexia".

Episode 3. Alexey Shirokorad and Veronika Shirokorad

A young couple and inner-family conflict. Different types of character, behavioral model, varying social ranks, work schedules, different hobbies. But there is love and the desire to be together! How does a couple stay together with all of these differences?

Episode 10. Anna and Eldar

Anna and Eldar (Moscow):

-          We’ve been together for four years, so it’s pretty a lot of time. And when we are talking about the future, next step is children …

-          That’s a question, if we are ready or not.

-          Our parents are from different countries and from different religions and have different expectations. My parents are orthodox, Russian. And they want the baby to be baptized and to have Russian name. And Eldar’s parents are waiting for an Azerbaijanian name that would sound, probably, like, Mohammed.

Episode 4. Alexey Suvorov

A young man dreams of becoming a singer, but he has to tackle his lack of confidence in his abilities and talents.

Episode 11. Ekaterina (Moscow)

"I’m quite a happy person, but I have these conflicts with my son. His name is Lev. And he is twelve. He stopped doing everything that he loved doing before. His grades went down. He doesn’t want to go to school, to musical school, he stopped going to the gym. I’m not very over-controlling mother, but now I completely lost control of him, because now he is into computers, into the telephone, and all this digital stuff."

Episode 5. Svetlana Stasenko

The Russian documentary film director, a highly creative person, dreams of opening her own film studio.

Episode 6. Victoria Potrogosh

A young girl has complications in communicating with new people. 

Episode 9. Julia Sergeeva and daughter Maria Sergeeva

The heroes of this episode are a mom and her 11-year-old son. A conflict of generations! How to listen to one another, to understand one another and to learn to trust?

Episode 10. Tatiana Tuh

A young woman-lawyer has problems in her relationship with her female-boss.

Episode 11. Alena Glotova

A young woman suffers from anorexia.


Instead of a trailer, we created a song – a soundtrack that captures the essence of our project. Listen and feel the heart of the story!

Episode #1

Theoretical introduction and a session with Ruth. In this episode, Max and Ellen delve into Ruth's question: "How can I find the right balance between hard work and rest?"

Project: KYIV-MOSCOW LIVE. March 2014

Moscow, Kiev. 2014
This is a Skype live linkup, filmed at the start of the Russian-Ukrainian crisis by our colleagues from both countries. This was the time, when political events caught many old friends by surprise, dividing them and paving the way for growing misunderstanding. Despite this schism, our colleagu...


Moscow, Russia. 2018-2019

Documentary series.

According to the teleological approach, any problem contains information that can lead us to something new”. Max Sсhupbach.

This documentary series displays the work of psychologists Drs Max and Ellen Sсhupbach (USA) wi...

Project: BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE: A Documentary Series with Max and Ellen Schupbach

Atelier Gardens Berlin, studio-TON 3.

In each episode of this series, Max and Ellen guide a client through resolving a specific problem, conflict, or personal challenge. They demonstrate how to "unfold" the process to discover insights and reveal the true beauty of human nature.

Their approach, known as Proces...